Google Panda

Google is at it again with their algorithm updates. This time it's an update to their older version of "Panda". This update entitled Panda 4.0 is now a gentler update to their previous one. You can still get hit if you are not careful. Read up on our roundup to see case studies, winner and losers, and how to protect your site.

Top 100 WordPress Plugins

Trying to find a particular WordPress plugin to enhance your website can be overwhelming with all the options that are available. Try this Top 100 WordPress plugin list to narrow down the top ones you can start using on your blog today.

Inbound Marketing Strategy

Inbound Marketing can help you find relevant traffic to your website. If you're trying to sell a product, pitch a service, or just want more traffic. Having an inbound marketing strategy can help you put your time and efforts in the correct place.

What Is Web Accessibility

There are individuals that visit millions of websites that have a mental or physical disability. Making sure that you focus some accessibility elements on your website can make a world of a difference. You want to give all your visitors the best experience no matter how they are viewing your website.

Backlinks That Don't Work

As search engines continue to make changes to how they decided how websites are ranked. There will always be SEO marketers trying to find that technique to get their site to the top. What about the techniques that don't work? Here is a list of the backlinks that will not help you anymore.

Disneyland Business

What is one of the strongest businesses on Earth? It is also the happiest place on Earth, Disneyland. Some of the best business principles you can learn, you can learn from Disneyland. See what business principles you can implement from Disnesyland to your own business.

Open Graph Meta Tags

Facebook, Google+ and Twitter are the three major social networking platforms. To help people share your content you can implement your open graph meta tags. All you need to do is insert a small section of HTML code to your header section of your website.

What Is Flat Design?

You have probably notice that mobile application and websites are becoming "flat". You are not alone. Flat Design is becoming a new design trend that is simplifying how we interact with our digital media. Flat Design is cleaning up the gradients, drop shadows, and glassy reflections from Web 2.0 days.

Website Software

There are hundreds, if not thousands of website software that people say you need to create a nice website. I’m here to tell you that you only probably need a 5 applications max to have a fully functional high-quality website.


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