Internet Marketing Tips To Use On Your Blog

There are hundreds of ways to market your blog. With the internet becoming a more social place with users getting more involved. This has opened more doors to marketing and advertising your online business.

Below are some of the internet marketing tips that you can start using right now. These strategies will not only bring more traffic to your blog. It will increase your SEO ranking and help you overall brand.

Social Networks

Social Networks

One of the easiest ways to get your blog in front of millions of people is through social networks. Social sharing is growing exponentially and will probably never stop.

Some of the most popular social networks are:

All of these sites are ways to get your blog out to the public. They all have their target audience and should never be abused. If you have something useful on your blog, share it!

YouTube Videos

YouTube Videos

Same as your other social networks except you have to be more creative. YouTube is a social interaction community site for videos. Video are becoming more of a goto media for users.

There are a lot of different ways to approach it.

  • News
  • Education
  • Product Reviews
  • Entertainment
  • Interviews
  • Testimonials
  • Presentations
  • Advertisement
  • Screencast
  • Bloopers

Relative Communities

Relative Communities

Forums and Q&A sites are another easy way to market your blog. What is great about a these is you can learn from and share information about your industry.

Finding these places that are relative to your market could be beneficial to you. By learning and helping others you can become known as an "expert" in this field. By branding yourself, people will think more highly of your you and your blog.

Popular Q&A sites:

Relative community search query footprints:

industry "forum"
industry "powered by Fireboard"
industry "powered by ip.board"
industry "powered by phpbb"
industry "powered by phpbb3"
industry "powered by SMF"
industry "powered by vbulletin"
industry forum
industry intitle:forum
industry inurl:forum
industry blogs
industry bloggers
industry blog
industry updates
industry inurl:blog
industry inurl:blog
industry inurl:blog
industry intitle:blog
industry intitle:blog
industry intitle:blog
industry association
industry establishments
industry groups
industry groups
industry institutes
industry organizations
industry professional organizations
industry society

Guest Posts

Writing relative articles and submitting them to places could give your marketing a lift. Reaching out to other sites in your field and being a guest blogger could draw some traffic from them to you.

Publications from high authority sites in your industry can increase your level of authority. Your customers know who the major players are. The more information you can share, the more they will trust you.

Guest post search query footprints:

"industry "Add Articles"
"industry "Add Content"
"industry "Become a Contributor"
"industry "Become a Guest Blogger"
"industry "Become an Author"
"industry "Bloggers Wanted"
"industry "Blogs Accepting Guest Posts"
"industry "Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging"
"industry "Contribute"
"industry "Guest Blogging Spot"
"industry "Guest Contributor"
"industry "Guest post by"
"industry "Guest Post Guidelines"
"industry "Guest Post"
"industry "Places I Guest Posted"
"industry "Publish Your News"
"industry "Submit a Guest Post"
"industry "Submit an Article"
"industry "Submit News"
"industry "Submit Post"
"industry "Submit Tutorial"
"industry "Suggest a Post"
"industry "This is a guest article"
"industry "Want to Write for"
"industry "writers wanted"
"industry "Add Guest Post"
"industry "Become a Contributor"
"industry "Become a Guest Writer"
"industry "Blogs that Accept Guest Bloggers"
"industry "Blogs that Accept Guest Posts"
"industry "Community News"
"industry "Contribute to our Site"
"industry "Group Writing Project"
"industry "Guest Bloggers Wanted"
"industry "Guest Bloggers Wanted"
"industry "Guest Posts Roundup"
"industry "My Guest Posts"
"industry "Now Accepting Guest Posts"
"industry "Submission Guidelines"
"industry "Submit a Guest Article"
"industry "Submit Article"
"industry "Submit Blog Post"
"industry "Submit Guest Post"
"industry "Submit News"
"industry "Suggest a Guest Post"
"industry "The following guest post"
"industry "This guest post is from"
"industry "This guest post was written"
"industry "Write for Us"
"industry inurl:guest-post-guidelines
"industry inurl:guest-posts
"industry inurl:write-for-us
"industry inurlprofiles/blog/new
"industry "submit guest post"
"industry "accepting guest posts"
"industry "contribute to our site"
"industry "contributor guidelines"
"industry "guest bloggers wanted"
"industry "guest post courtesy of"
"industry "guest post opportunities"
"industry "write for us"
"industry accepting guest posts
"industry become a guest blogger
"industry become guest blogger
"industry guest blogger wanted
"industry intitle:"guest blogging opportunity"
"industry intitle:"submit blog post"
"industry intitle:"submit guest post"
"industry intitle:"write for me"
"industry intitle:"write for us"
"industry inurl:"write for me"
"industry inurl:"write for us"
"industry inurl:category/guest
"industry inurl:guest-blogger
"industry inurl:guest-post
"industry inurl:guest-posts
"industry inurl:guest*author
"industry inurl:guest*blogger
"industry inurl:guest*post
"industry inurl:guest*posts
"industry inurl:tag/guest
"industry submit a guest post"
"industry submit guest post
"industry submit your guest post
"industry submit your own guest post

Pay Per Click - PPC

Google Adwords

If you have money to invest into your internet marketing and you can use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

PPC is a quick and easy way to push traffic to your blog. The cost depending on your industry, but you can instantly gain traffic to your website.

How it works is that you bid on keywords for search engine ranking. The highest bid per keyword gets the higher ranking. This can become a bidding war with direct competitors. Knowing your cost per acquisition can narrow down how much to spend.

Charity or Fundraiser

Sponsoring a charity event or organizing an event can get your name out. This gives you a positive outlook on your customers. This can either be a free opportunity or a small investment depending on how creative you can get.

Google Places

Google Places<

If you are a local business, make sure you have a Google+ Places listing. This is becoming a number one search area for all local business on mobile devices.

Always check your information and customer reviews regularly. Checking addresses and phone numbers primarily. If you have some disgruntle reviews, either respond to them or investigate the situation.

Expand Your Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Tips

These are just some tips to increase traffic, ranking, and branding to your blog. Just remember whatever technique you use, try to always mention or create a backlink to your blog.

Take some of these strategies and think how you can enhance, change, or combine them. Some of the best marketing strategies are out of the box. Any way that you can grab the attention of your users.


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