13 Growth Hacking Techniques To Use On Your Website

I’m going to focus on some Growth Hacks that you can apply to your website, these techniques you can implement today. Some areas do require some knowledge of inbound marketing, search engine optimization, copywriting, and some basic knowledge of website coding.

Even though the term “hacking” is involved, there are no unethical morals included with these techniques. It is just a marketing buzz word that have been attached to these strategies.

What is Growth Hacking?

Growth Hacking

There are many different ways to define Growth Hacking. But how I think of it, is a way to increase a statistical value in your marketing strategy. What does all of that mean? It’s a way of creative thinking you can use to increase sales, users, visitors, or any other element you may need to increase in your business.

Examples of Growth Hacking

Below is some of the most common growth hacking techniques that you can get started implementing on your website today. Some might be easy to implement, others could take some time depending on your knowledge of coding and marketing. Also you don’t need to implement all strategies, start with the one that can get done now and work your way from there.

Put Call To Actions in Your Title Tags

Call To Actions

One way you can increase your click-through rate on your Google search engine ranking is to apply some Call To Actions in your Title tags and/or meta descriptions. If you’re not sure what a Call To Action is, some examples of these are Read, Click, Shop, Save, View, etc.

If you are ranking high in Google but not at the number one spot, having some Call To Actions can help pull some more visitors in. By increase your click-through rate, could potentially increase your ranking in Google.

If you are going to change a title tag of a page that is ranking high in Google, make sure you note down what it was before you make the change. Once you make the changes watch your ranking. Thing may or may not move around. Give it a few days, if the changes aren't giving you the result you are looking for, revert back and reassess.

Useful Information

Content Marketing

To increase your user engagement, shares, link building, and lower bounce rate this comes down to the content on your site. If you have content on your site or a blog that people with learn from and enjoy, you will have them for life. Not only does this bring you in more traffic, but will help convert users to your website goal.

Here are some broad areas of content to focus on.



A good place to start is with your headline of your post. This will entice your visitor to even give your article and chance. Tell your user what the article is about with some mystery involved. You just need to get them to click on it, your post will do the rest of the work.


Content Images

This really isn't a problem as the internet involves, but it is important to touch base on. Make sure you put some images in your posts. If you have a huge wall of text without anything to break it up, no one will read it.

Word Length

Perfect Blog Post

There have been speculations on how long your articles should be. Some say only put as much content is necessary for the reader to get your point across. Others have shown that the longer your article is, the more likely it will be shared and talked about. I recommended only putting what is necessary, but have enough topics to cover to make your posts a respectable length.



Infographics have been a great way to share information in a graphical way. Not only do people love to look at these and learn from them, but they are a great way to get shares and backlinks. As these are not easy to creative for most people, it may be worth it to have one designed for you.

Have Snippets on Blog Posts

Meta Snippets

Snippets are a relatively new technology that help search engines know what information you have included in your posts, such as the author’s name, review rating, events and videos. What I’m focusing on is adding a voting system to your posts and review snippets with it. This gives you an extra visual cue in your search engine ranking and increases your click-through.

Share Your Content with Your Audience

Social Growth Hacking

If you are already using social media and have followers, it’s fine to post your own content in front of them. When you have a new post or want to share one of your old posts that you feel is beneficial. Go ahead a share it. This can also help you narrow in what you audience is interested in. Pay attention to what your followers are commenting on, sharing and talking about.

You can use other people’s posts in your industry to help you narrow in your audience. See what they are posting and share them with your audience. See what topics your audience responds too and then think how you can implement it on your own site.

Influencers Outreach


If you have utilized your social media, you have probably noticed who the influencers are in your industry. Having some of these people share or talk about your website can help you exponentially. It can bring tons of traffic, sales, or leads.

You may have to warm up to them before asking them to share your website with their audience. You can start by sharing some of their stuff or mentioning them in your own website’s post. Another way is to start following and engage with their activity.

Use Popup Email Sign Ups

Popup Newsletter Signup

This can be annoying to some people but is most cases you can’t argue with results. This has been proven multiple times that this technique will increase your newsletter subscribers. Your newsletter campaigns can be great away to keep your visitors in the loop with your website. Plus you can push sales, leads, or any type of conversion goals to your website.

Offer Something for Free

Free Gift

To take the previous Growth Hack a bit further, you can sweeten the deal by giving something away for free. Most common gift is an exclusive document or ebook that gives the users some information that they can’t get anywhere else. An ecommerce store may give the user a special offer or coupon for signing up. This can be anything that is of value to the user, by doing this you can increase your conversion greatly.


Personalization Results

Tracking technology is getting more initiative on how it works. You can now follow users and see exactly what they are looking at. By using this data you can now personalize what types of advertising to show them.

For example if someone is looking at shoes, why would you show them advertisements about shirts?

On your website, if your user is viewing a certain category, show them advertisements that apply to that category. By personalizing your advertising channels, this can entice a better click-through and conversion rate to your goal.

Above The Fold

A/B Testing

This marketing method has been around since they have been printing newspapers. The idea is, the higher something is on the page, the more attention it will get. This held true then and continues to hold true now.

Having important elements high on your website gives you an advantage that your visitor will see it. You will have a better chance converting someone who has seen your advertisement 90% of the time vs. 30% of the time.

To find your fold line, you will need help with some Analytics. In your Analytics software find what the most common browser resolution is and work from there. Sometimes your design may not allow you to get your elements as high as your may want them. At this point you will need to decide is it worth changing the design?

This comes down to a numbers game of how much is a conversion worth to you.

A/B Test Your Landing Pages

A/B Testing

A/B Testing is a way to send some of your users to view a different design, elements, or content on your site and see how the user interacts with them before making the change live.

To continue with your above the fold scenario, this is where A/B Testing can save you a lot of time. You can move your conversion elements above the fold and see if it converts better than it was below the fold.

Try to think about everything that could affect it. Buttons, colors, copy on the page, and placement can positively and negatively change the outcome of your user’s experience. Testing all these elements can help you squeeze everything out of your page.

Loading Time

Speed Test

There have been multiple studies across the web about loading time. These studies have shown things like 1 second of delay can decrease your conversion rate by 7%.

There isn't a mean of how fast your website should take to load. Making it as fast as your software and hardware will allow, will delete any variables out of the equation. If any user gets frustrated about waiting for your website to load, there goes any chance of converting them.

Free Trials

Free Trial

If you have a paid service or product you can offer Free Trails to boost your conversion. It’s hard to sell people something, but giving them an option to try something before they have to purchase gives them confidence about making the step.

Getting them in the door is the hardest and more time consuming part of your conversion funnel. Having a starting point gives you huge opportunity to keep then for long term. Even if you don’t convert them now, you have their information to try to convert them down the road.

Growth Hack Starts Now

These are some of the easier ways to Growth Hack your website. The only thing left to do is to pick one or two methods that you can easily implement on your website right now. If something is going to take a few days, skip it for now. Find the ones that will take just a few minutes to an hour and get moving.


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